In the scene of the Anonymous Venetian movie taking place inside Tessiture Bevilacqua, Valeria calls this a “magic timeless place”, while she’s wrapping herself in one of the weaving mill’s exclusive Italian fabrics. This image turns one of our luxury furnishing fabrics into a piece of clothing. And this is, after all, what we’re doing with the Bevilacqua Pizzinato brand.

From luxury furnishing fabrics to fashion for women

What was at first a collaboration between the Chiara Pizzinato Atelier and the Tessiture Bevilacqua slowly developed into an out-and-out brand, whose headquarters are in the Santa Croce district, number 1320. That is in the very location of Tessiture Luigi Bevilacqua: a visit to this building will take you directly into one of the sets of Anonymous Venetian  and into the 18th century, thanks to our original looms, dating back exactly to that age.

In the movie, Valeria, wraps herself in a damask and lets the sight of dream clothes carry her mind away, since they are made of the same fabrics and following the same techniques as in the past. Bevilacqua Pizzinato’s garments will let you see that such precious fabrics can really be timeless.

Indeed, the magic of Bevilacqua Pizzinato lies in its ability to merge the past and the present, the old and the new, the charm of antique designs and the fashion of modern styles. Bevilacqua’s fabrics are matched with monochrome textiles by Chiara Pizzinato’s knowing touch, who always manages to find the perfect harmony between colours and patterns.

Take, for example, the Moebius stole: Bevilacqua’s Fiere Brocatelle and Unito Satin have been sewn together with silk taffeta, following a clear project and precise measures. Nothing is left to chance and the result – in this stole, as well as in coats, shawls, dresses and bags – is a clothing item which is elegant – thanks to the old patterns of Bevilacqua’s fabrics – and fashionable, at the same time – thanks to the one-of-a-kind blend of textiles, shapes, colours and motifs. All of these clothes and accessories, then, suit a woman looking for elegance, but with an eye on the functionality of a garment suitable for every day.

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