Venice has always been a melting pot of cultures and people who over time have developed arts and crafts that still amaze us with their products, the fruits of creativity and craftsmanship of excellence. This is why Venice has been chosen as the venue for important events that celebrate these arts. In addition to the exhibition “Homo Faber: Crafting a more human future”, in which we will also exhibit our handmade soprazzizzo velvet, there will be an exhibition focused in particular on Venetian crafts production. The Splendid Hotel, located in the Mercerie area, the main shopping destination in Venice which stretches from the Rialto Bridge to Piazza San Marco, will turn into an enchanting gallery to give space to the immense creativity and skill of 8 Venetian master artisans among which Emanuele Bevilacqua of our Tessitura.

A tour specially designed and realized with the advice and support of the Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte Foundation, partner of Homo Faber, that from 14 to 30 September 2018 will take guests through beautiful carved moors, extraordinary masks and glass goblets made according to the purest Venetian tradition, art silk-screen prints and precious sculptures in bronze and brass, fabulous stage costumes and detailed needle laces. Tessitura Bevilacqua will be present with one of the most precious among velvets, the handmade soprarizzo: Giardino Antico, Metropolis, Piovego and some exquisite decorative cushions.

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