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The theatre of fashion
The Fashion and Applied Arts Museum of Gorizia reopens, wholly renewed and with two brand-new rooms
Sorry, no more room in the lagoon!
Annapaola Cibin’s installation on the roof of Luigi Bevilacqua’s weaving mill is made up of fishes in painted luxury velvets
Treasures to be found: San Zulian
A few steps away from St Mark’s Square lies one of Venice’s hidden treasures: the church of San Zulian, which holds, among other treasures, Bevilacqua’s Italian upholstery velvet
Walking along the Silk Road
Lampasses, velvets, damasks and brocades have something in common, the core and secret of their preciousness. That something is silk, the raw material behind each of these fabrics. But where does silk come from? Luxury fabric silk comes to Europe From silkworms, you...
The fruits of downfall
Let’s take a look at some history and at what was going on, in Venice and in the rest of the world, when Luigi Bevilacqua’s Weaving Mill became a real company in 1875. We will start from an end, i.e. the windup of craft guilds in Venice, ordered by one of Napoleon’s...
The velvet armour: Yiqing Yin
A garment which can protect and give strength to whom wears it, being both as natural as a second skin and as shielding as an armour: this is the mission which the young - she was born in 1985 - stylist Yiqing Yin has chosen to draw inspiration from for her creations....