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A history of fabrics in Venice
Let’s go to Altino, a city connected to the origins of Venice and its silk industry, where we took part in a meeting on the history of fabrics
The challenges of the Kremlin velvet
By means of the history of the Venetian velvet we made for the Kremlin we tell you how difficult the production of luxury velvet fabrics can be
A wave of new fabrics and colours
Tessitura Bevilacqua took part in the International Furniture Fair in Milan with some new luxury fabrics for upholstery and cushions in soft colour variants
From animal velvets to the White House: Bevilacqua, Iris and Carl Apfel
Tessitura Bevilacqua has produced fabrics for upholstery for Iris and Carl Apfel, too, interior designers and founders of Old World Weavers
From useful to beautiful in a single line
Today we’re taking a trip to a theatre, and a little back in time. Because we’re going to tell you how the soprarizzo Decó Göteborg velvet was born. So we have to pop over to Sweden. Swedish fabric designs on Italian furnishing fabrics A pair of months ago we went to...
Tempo Italiano, or Bevilacqua goes to Sweden
At the Tempo Italiano festival in Stockholm we showed the Italian fabrics for upholstery we produced for Swedish palaces in the 1920s