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Our cushions in the Archive of the Patriarchate of Venice
Find out how the Archive of the Patriarchate of Venice has used our decorative cushions to add a unique touch to its Monumental Library and precious volumes
Discover our products on Artemest
Now you can find some of the accessories covered in our fine fabrics on Artemest, a website dedicated to artisanal Made in Italy products: find out which ones
Bevilacqua handbags: an Italian artisanal product combining surprise and elegance
Discover our bags, with different shapes and styles, all covered in the fabrics from our catalogue and made by hand in Italy with quality materials
The fruit medieval fabrics loved most
Discover the secrets behind one of the most popular fruits in textile arts and painting of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: pomegranates
The restoration of one of Venice’s pearls: Grancaffè Quadri
Venice’s Caffè Quadri has reopened after a restoration for which Tessitura Bevilacqua provided its upholstery fabric: here’s the final result!
Our fabrics and cushions at BOSCOCasa
How do our fabrics look like on an armchair or chair? Find it out with the photos of the new store in Moscow where you can find them: BOSCOCasa!