
The Bevilacqua handbag collection is entirely made with our luxury fabrics and Italian leathers. It celebrates Venetian craftsmanship with elegant accessories you can always carry with you. Bevilacqua bags are made by Venetian craftsmen who take care of every detail, from the cut of the fabrics to the finishes.

The creation process of these accessories is extremely laborious and complex, requiring high manual skill, patience and a lot of precision. Each bag is, in fact, unique, because it’s covered with precious fabrics that are cut with extreme care and combined with carefully selected Italian leathers. These masterpieces combine richness and elegance, enhancing the extraordinary mastery of Venetian craftsmanship.

There are many models and sizes that you will find browsing through our catalogue: from mini-bags like Anna and Veronica to large and spacious ones like Maddalena and Artemisia. You can choose between practical and informal bags like Bevilacqua Tote Bag, a shopper featuring splendid velvet variations, or romantic and refined, like Elena featuring our Fresie velvet.

Buone Feste / Season's Greetings


I nostri uffici saranno chiusi per le festività natalizie dal 21 dicembre al 6 gennaio 2025

Our offices will be closed for the holiday season from December 21 to January 6, 2025

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